
Wednesday, April 27

Birthers, the incidious disease.

Barack Obama will always go down as one of the most talked about, important, historical Presidents ever, irregardless of anything else that ever happens. However, there is a group of people with their head stuck so far up their own ass that they truly believe Obama is "not one of us", that he is so historical in fact, that he is not from us, he is a planted Kenyan Muslim Socialist who clearly FAKED his birth certificate, not only to the Senate, but to the Presidency.

Lets break down the serious mental fragmentation you need to actually believe this.

Crazy Bullshit Notion #1: Obama is a Muslim! Muslim! He loves Osama! Osama Obama!
The notion basically implies that America is so brazenly stupid it would actually elect a Manchurian candidate, an avowed enemy of the United States, to be President. It's beyond comprehension, that after 9/11, after all the efforts and the creation of Homeland Security, that their immediate and most obvious failure would commit is in the Democratic Party's nominee for President?

Crazy Bullshit Notion #2: Obama is not ONE OF US. He doesn't look like us, he doesn't think like us, he hates America.
I don't know how to rationalize this emotion other than racism and pure ignorance. If you can't have a "funny name" or "dark skin" and "be American", YOU are the anti-American.

Crazy Bullshit Notion #3: They planted his birth certificate!

To have such a paranoid view of the world to really believe that 50+ years ago, a single mother with an interracial baby actually had the capacity and influence to do such an insane task is ridiculous.

I'm sure other bloggers will make all the same points, perhaps more eloquently with more detail. I needed to let out my feelings, but my main point is that we cannot deal with people like this without laughing, and that's the problem.

When you laugh at a crazy person, they think you are laughing at them and out to get them and they are right, so they hold their insane position even more firmly.

It's a sad state we are in, we can't ever talk policy if we can't even discuss the actual facts.

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